
Get your english certification online


Let’s review for your English certification with a complete course:

Strengthen your Writing, Reading, Listening, and Speaking, and study to pass your exam.

Scopri le promozioni di Primavera!

Corso preparatorio & certificazione in sconto fino al – 47%

- SOLO FINO AL 21/03-

Without Expiration

You'll always be able to put it on your CV

TAKE2 Option

Tretake your exam if you don't pass it the first time

Recognized by most universities

Fast-track your academic path!

Easy to book

Choose whatever day and time you want for your exams

Fast results

You'll receive your results after 3 work days




€ 269 € 451



€ 279 € 531

Top Choice




€ 309 € 551



€ 329 € 571



€ 369 € 591

💥CERTIFICATION to choose (B1 or B2)
+ intensive PREP COURSE (50 lessons)

B1 or B2
(50 lessons)



€ 739 € 459

Do you want a custom option?

Don't Panic!

Write us an e-mail at [email protected]:

we can find the perfect deal for you!

Ensure your success!


45 €

Buy the TAKE2 option with your certification and ensure your succes.

You can take your exam again if you fail it the first time! No worries!

How does the exam work?

The exam session is at your convenience: choose the day and time for your test, within a year from the purchase!

You will need to schedule two exam sessions:

  • Oral test: lasting 10-15 minutes depending on the chosen level, certifies your speaking ability.
  • Written test: lasting 2-3 hours depending on the level, certifies your listening, writing, and reading skills.

The exam is completely online, which means you will need to meet certain technical requirements.


Do you think 20 lessons are not enough?

Enjoy more lessons to prepare your certification at your best!

What's the right certification for you?



In a store: Can you understand the salesperson and ask for information about prices and matching items?
In a restaurant: Can you understand the menu and ask the waiter for clarification if something is unclear?
On the tram: Do you know how to interpret the timetable and figure out how to reach your destination?
If you answered yes to these three questions, you are at level A2 or higher!



With a group of tourists you met at the hotel: Can you actively participate in a conversation about vacations?
While watching TV: Can you understand what happened during the last game by listening to the commentator’s remarks?
Planning to go to a concert: Can you provide important information to your English-speaking friend?
If you answered yes to these three questions, you are at level B1 or higher!


Upper Inter

Want to try a new cupcake recipe: Can you understand the steps to follow from the video tutorial you found?
You have a new English friend: Can you easily talk with him about your life, small talk, and current events?
You're going to London for a business meeting: Can you naturally join in conversations and interact with your English colleagues professionally?
If you answered yes to these three questions, your English level is B2 or higher!



You have some free time: can you watch movies and TV shows without much effort?
You want to read the newspaper: Can you do it easily?
A friend is talking to you about the techniques of his latest passion, Base Jumping: can you understand most of what he's saying?
If you answered yes to these three questions, your English level is C1 or higher!

Domande frequenti

Le lezioni si possono svolgere dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 14.00 alle 20.00 (ore 19.30 ultima lezione prenotabile)

Come utente registrato, hai la possibilità di prenotare le tue lezioni h24 accedendo alla tua dashboard personale. Non sei ancora registrato? Registrati qui.

SI! Puoi cancellare la tua lezione prenotata fino a 3 ore prima dell’inizio della stessa e riprogrammarla per gli orari che preferisci

NO! L’interazione avviene esclusivamente in inglese

NO! L’importante è essere capaci di interagire in inglese ad un livello base.

Lessonlive offre la possibilità di fare sia un test scritto gratuito che una lezione di prova live anch’essa gratuita.

La valutazione massima per il test scritto è di 180 punti.

Durante la lezione di prova avrete la possibilità di chiedere direttamente al docente una prima valutazione sulle vostre aspirazioni linguistiche.

Consulta i pacchetti offerti da Lessonlive per avere un’idea più precisa e cerca di sfruttare al massimo il rapporto ONE to ONE con il docente per chiedere consigli ed indicazioni.

SI! I docenti proporranno del materiale in linea con il corso di studi intrapreso in modalità sharing. Il materiale didattico comprende topics riguardanti le 4 skills: Speaking, Listening, Writing e Reading. Sarà somministrato dal docente a seconda del pacchetto e del livello scelto.

SI! Mandaci una email all’indirizzo [email protected] entro 24 ore dal problema riscontrato e provvederemo ad accreditare sull’account specifico le lezioni che non si sono potute svolgere per problemi tecnici.

In ogni caso clicca qui per dei pratici consigli tecnici che ti aiuteranno a svolgere al meglio le lezioni.

CERTO! La modalità ONE to ONE è perfetta per usufruire di un corso su misura da concordare con il docente in itinere.

Pertanto consigliamo vivamente di prenotare le lezioni sempre con lo stesso docente per avere continuità didattica.

Richiedi informazioni

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Sign up, complete the English quiz and book your free Trial Lesson. Our teachers will ask you some questions to clearly assess your English level.

Our lessons are on the LessonLive platform, online.

Each lesson lasts 25 minutes. They'r individual lessons and given by certified teachers.

Here is the course structure:

  • 5 lessons focused on Speaking
  • 5 lessons focused on Writing
  • 5 lessons focused on Listening
  • 5 lessons focused on Reading

Our partner for certifications is LanguageCert. LanguageCert is accredited by most edcational bodies.

After buying the exam, you'll receive two codes to redeem your exams on the LanguageCert Platform.

The exam is divided into two sessions:

  • A speaking session (lasting 10/15 minutes) to assess your Speaking skills.
  • A written session (lasting 2/3 hours) to evaluate your Writing, Listening, and Reading skills.

The exam is completely online, and you can book your sessions whenever you want.